Reliable – does that describe your business?

I recently sat down with a client and conducted a brainstorming session on why their products and services were the best. The idea behind the session was to see were all team members ‘singing off the same hymn sheet’! Everyone on the session listed out various positive attributes of the business but the real insight […]

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On October 23, 2012, posted in: Blog by

Are you applying the ronseal test to your products/services?

Does it do exactly what it says on the tin? How many times have you asked yourself that exact question? Think about it…every time you go to buy a new product or avail of a service you ask yourself does this meet with my specific requirements? Does it serve its purpose? Yes, we all at some […]

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On October 23, 2012, posted in: Blog by

Are you planning to succeed?

I along with many others will always remember the summer of 2012 for the London Olympic Games, one of the greatest sporting events. As we watched every athlete showcase and excel in their chosen field, I think we all thought to ourselves at one point ‘how can I be the best at what I do?’ […]

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On October 23, 2012, posted in: Blog by